Right-click on the H-Queens layer and choose Lock others, Select All, copy and Shift-Paste. While they’re still selected, Modify>Transform>Flip Horizontal and drag them to the right so that they’re sitting in the H5, H6, H7 and H8 spaces respectively. (It might be an idea to hold down Shift while you’re dragging to make sure they’re lined up.) Boom. The first row of queens done… Now let’s just name the instances of these movies before we go on. Double click the H1 queen and give it an instance name of H1. H2’s instance name is H2 and H3’s is H3 and so on. Name them all. Simple. The rest of this is easy. After you’ve given every queen movie an instance name, Select All, Copy, make a new layer under the H Queens layer and name it G Queens Right-click on that layer and lock others. Shift-Paste the H Queens into the G Queens layer, and while they’re selected, move them onto the G row and Modify >Transform>Scale them to the right size. They should fit perfectly. Double click all of them and give them instance names of G1, G2, G3, etc… Keep following this pattern till you finish the A Queens layer.